Stockholm Syndrome

I am just an everyday woman, nothing special. I have checks and balances just like the rest of you. I lock my doors when I get in my car, don’t pick up hitchhikers, don’t leave my drink at a bar, don’t park in alleys…And just like you one day I broke one of those rules…I…

Where did the fiction go?

Where did the fiction go? When did we begin to write off literature when its contents contained a character who remained true to themselves? It’s not my job as an author to create a character everyone likes, one who personifies perfection. However…it is my job to be true to the character’s personality, even when their…

The Club

I am your knight in dark, shining and wickedly laden armor, armor with shards that cut into your deepest and most hidden desires. I am the happily ever after in your twisted, tormented tale of your Cinderella dreams An excerpt from ‘The Club’. ©2015 Suzanne Steele