How to judge an Amazon review

Like many others, when I first started to read reviews; I took them at face value. I dare say: that I don’t anymore. It didn’t take long for me to understand: that even though, “The pen can be mightier than the sword,” “Consider the source;” is a definite deciding factor in the world of reviews…

Don’t be a copycat!

Many times when I do the various writings on ‘Tools of the Trade,’ I find myself directing said teaching: towards myself, as well as others. Whether we want to admit it, or not, we all want to be successful and along with that success, we want to sell books, photography, or music; whatever the case…

If you are new

If you are new to my blog be sure to check any of my other pages. I liken my blog to an E-Zine Magazine. In other words I cover various topics. If you are interested in self-publishing, then be sure to check out, ‘Tools of the Trade.’ There is a photography page and of course…

The Black Rose

Charles Wentworth the 3rd made his way through the room fingering some of the items that he had purchased for his precious Roxanne. He had spent a lot of time on this room. After all: he wanted to be certain that his captive would feel right at home. Charles had gone to extreme measures to…

Fight or flight!

Fight or flight is your body’s primal instinctive response to danger. It was first studied in 1927 by physiologist Walter Cannon. The body produces adrenal medulla; due to the acute hyper-arousal to the perceived threat. It is said: that this is recognized as the first stage of ‘general adaptation syndrome.’ Which raises the question: Could…

Give me nothing!

When you give me art; give me something that reaches inside of my core and twists, taking the very breath that sustains me away. Give me something that wakens me from my lethargy. Give me something that causes me to ponder and question all that I have come to know: due to my circumstances that…