Tools of the Trade

Whether you are new to the blogging game or an old pro at it, there is one thing that we all encounter: The designing of our blog. Once you decide that you want to be committed to keeping one up, take a moment and think about what it is that you want to accomplish. For…

A Serial Killers mind…

You see, the mark of a good profiler is being able to get inside of an ‘un-sub’s mind.’ You have to be a certain kind of individual, to be able to grace the dark corridors of a killer’s mind. The gracing the hallways effectively is one thing; it’s the getting out unscathed that produces the…

The start of her day

She is up before the crack of dawn and on her way out the door as the sun comes up, she may even pull out of her driveway with her cup of coffee on the hood spilling to the street as she mutters, “Shoot” under her breath. She is sure to have a cell phone…

My Stranger

My Stranger… I know not where he goes in the wee hours of the night. I know not where the soles of his black combat boots doth tread. For he is a mystery to me; He is a man who came into my life on a whim; with no warning, at a time; when I…

My Book Nook

Well it never ceases to amaze me just how much talent that there is in the writing world. Inevitably people always want to know what an Author is reading, so I thought it only fair that I share what inhabits my ‘Book Nook.’ First and foremost: you need to understand that when it comes to…

The Nikon remote shutter release.

I have to say that I love my new  hand held remote that enables me to take pics alone. It looks like this and costs anywhere between $30.00 and $70.00, it all depends on your needs. This one ran me about $40.00. I ordered it through Cameta You can order wherever you like, I  have had…