Waldo’s World–Life on Suzanne Steele’s farm

My newest rescue Waldo. He’s a huge fan of Critters In Need. While he’s small he has to be kept safe in his large fenced in area. There are predators like coyotes where I live, because I’m out in the boondocks on a 32 acre farm. He’s already spoiled rotten and comes out to play when I call him. I adore my baby boy piglet and he’s so happy to finally be in a good home. He’s sending a huge shout out to @CrittersInNeed (you can find them on facebook) for all the fabulous work they do. This is one pig saved from ever being mistreated.

I’m going back to sleep. My master won’t come out of that writing hole she’s in. I mean seriously… I’m cuter than some dumb ol’ gangster named Glazov! Hey…hold on a minute…you’re not going to tell him I said that, right?!?

Suzanne’s writing cave

Somebody doesn’t want to get out of bed this morning.

Black snakes are a welcome addition on the farm because they eat poisonous snakes. This one was in a box I unpacked from a shed so I got him out and placed him safely in the woods.

This is the reason you don’t kill black snakes. They keep the Copperhead population down.

Fire in the sky. A Waldo’s World life on the farm sunset.

Stormy came out to visit this morning. I consider my land to be a refuge for wild and domestic animals; so please no sermons on the damage predators can do. Thank you for respecting my love of animals. Let’s just say it’s a HARD LIMIT. Love you beautiful readers. This was shot with a cell phone. I wish I would have had my Nikon available quick enough to catch the shot. Sigh.

Many of Suzanne’s animals on her farm are rescues. This mother with her baby goat, and Waldo the piglet are examples. She is presently involved with ‘Critters In Need’. You can check them out on Facebook.


Two new baby farm animals born 2-22-2018. What a blessing.

Today in Waldo’s world it’s raining. He loves when it rains because it means he has plenty of mud puddles to play in. Waldo wants me to tell all the beautiful readers this is a great day to snuggle up with one of his mom’s books.